From the Archives
August 7, 2019
This story appeared in Volume# 9, Issue# 5 - 1985
North Dakota farmer Louis Baenen, of Jamestown, built himself a low-cost, simple-to-make, transport for hauling round bales using an old running gear and two 30-ft. long electric poles to cradle the bales.
"I load five 1,000 lbs. bales on the wagon with my tractor loader, then carry the sixth bale on the bucket," explains Baenen.
He extended the running gear reach, using a 2-in dia. pipe between the two axles. The wooden electric poles are placed just inside the stake pockets and bolted to the running gear frame. Baenen points out that the poles extend 4-ft. beyond the back of the running gear. The poles are 14-in. in dia. and taper down to 10-in. Baenen purchased them from his electric company when they put in underground lines.