1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #08
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Mirror For Grain-Hauling Trucks
"I used to drive truck for a local cooperative. One day it was cold and raining and the truck had iced over. When I stepped out of the cab to check how much grain was in the box before I moved ahead, I slipped and fell hard onto the ground. I decided then that there had to be a better way to monitor the truck load," says Bob Taylor, Barnum, Iowa, who came up with a handy mirror that he's been selling to local co-ops and farmers."To operate, you roll your window down about 8 in. and pull down on a handle to flip the mirror up above the cab. To fold the mirror down for transport, you just push out on the handle.
"The mirror is completely adjustable to any truck. Attaches to the door, above the existing mirror. Comes in 3 colors - black, white or silver. It has passed all of our durability tests and is now ready for market. We sell them for $39.95."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Taylor, Taylorgromics Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 25, Barnum, Iowa 50518 (ph 515 542-3369 or 549-3592).

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