1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #03
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Hand-Cranked Sickle Remover
That hand-operated sickle remover and installer we told you about (Vol. 15, No. 4), invented by a Minnesota farmer has been taken over by a manufacturer and is now on the market.Tebben Mfg. says its sickle remover and installer is designed for use on most types of haybines, swathers, combines, and sickle mowers that have 3-in. riveted or bolted sickle sections. The hand-crank device has special cleats welded onto roller chain. To install, remove the sickle guard nearest the sickle head and bolt the sickle remover in its place. The cleats press against individual section rivets, or bolts, to drive the sickle. You turn the crank clockwise to install the sickle and counter-clockwise to remove it.
"It's easy to use, saves time and labor, and eliminates sickle damage due to prying, pounding, or pulling," says Mike Tebben, vice president.
Sells for $129.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Tebben Mfg., West Hwy. 7, Clara City, Minn. 56222 (ph 612 847-2200).

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