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Add On Guard For PTO's
There's a law in England that requires guards over pto shafts, even on older equipment, so the manufacturer of a deceptively simple new add-on pto guard had a lot of buyers at the recent Royal Show.
"Safety officials travel around the country making surprise inspections on farms. If you don't have guards over pto shafts you can be fined as much as $3,600 per violation," says Brian Mitchell, manufacturer of the new guard, which was invented by a farmer.
The "greasable" PVC guard consists of two collars that cover the yoke and base of the shaft, and a pair of adjustable length center pipes that run between them. A pair of bearing races are tack welded to either end of the pto shaft. Greasable bearings inside each collar fit into the grooves on the races.
"We can fit any pto shaft. All we need to know is the width of the yoke," says Mitch-ell, noting that there are three different size collars. A short length of nylon rope snaps onto the guard to keep it from turning while the pto shaft turns inside. "It's far superior to any other guard on the market because it covers the entire shaft, not just the top of it, and it doesn't get in the way so farmers aren't tempted to remove it. We sell them to manufacturers for installation on new equipment as well as for any existing pto-driven equipment."
Sells for $80.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Coba Plastics Ltd., Marlborough Drive, Fleckney, Leicestershire, LE8 OUR England (ph 0533 404045; fax 0533 403871).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5