Bean Pole for String Beans, Cucumbers, & Any Other Climbing Plant
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Here's a homemade "bean pole" for string beans, cucumbers and any other climbing plant. It consists of two bicycle wheels welded to either end of a shaft and then strung with fishing line all around the outer circumference of the wheels. I've seen commercial bean poles advertised for $26.95. These cost only a few cents. (C. Nedelec, Toutes Aides, Manitoba R0L 2A0 Canada)

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Bean Pole for String Beans, Cucumbers, & any Other Climbing Plant FARM HOME Food 14-5-35 Here's a homemade "bean pole" for string beans, cucumbers and any other climbing plant. It consists of two bicycle wheels welded to either end of a shaft and then strung with fishing line all around the outer circumference of the wheels. I've seen commercial bean poles advertised for $26.95. These cost only a few cents. (C. Nedelec, Toutes Aides, Manitoba ROL 2A0 Canada)
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