1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5, Page #20
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Corn Stalk Horse
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"It puts a smile on everyone's face when they see it," says Jean. "Neighbors and town people bring their visiting relatives and friends out to see it. Pictures of the horse have been sent to almost every state in the country, as well as to Canada.
"It started out as a 4-H project for our children Chad, Neal, and Shelley who were selling pumpkins, Indian corn and straw out of an old steel-wheeled wagon alongside a heavily traveled road in front of our house. It just made sense to make a horse to pull the wagon. We try to decorate the horse and wagon differently every year. One Christmas we installed lights on both the horse and wagon. Two years ago we mounted a dummy driver in front and tied strings that look like harness from the horse to the driver. Last year we used soybean straw to build a team of horses and filled the wagon with pumpkins," says Jean adding that they usually leave the corn stalk horse up until Faster.
The Keppys made the horse by putting four 4-ft. high steel posts in the ground for legs and wiring two steel posts lengthwise on top of them to support the body of the horse, and then used twine to tie a bundle of stalks between and around the two horizontal posts. To make the head and neck they bent the ends of two electric fence posts and tied the posts at an angle to the front two vertical posts, then tied stalks around them.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen and Jean Keppy, 21316 155th Ave., Davenport, Iowa 52804 (ph 319 391-2075).

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