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Joy Lite
Here's a handy new way to get more light on the subject when working in your work-shop.
Called the "Joy Lite," it adjusts up and down, and in and out, to focus high intensity light exactly where you need it ù even under a tractor or vehicle, says Weldon Althoff, inventor-manufacturer. "Used in conjunction with a portable 110 volt generator, it can be taken to the field for use as a floodlight when making nightime repairs, or for working livestock after dark."
The business end of the light is a weatherproof 300 or 500 watt quartz halogen lamp affixed to a 6.5 ft. long horizontal arm made of 3/4 in. galvanized pipe. The arm itself, attached to a 360? pivot hinge and clamp, is infinitely adjustable in and out, and in a full circle.
The vertical support (5 ft. tall), made of 2 by 2 in. tubing, is equipped with five caster-wheeled legs for go-anywhere portability.
A built in switch box has an outlet for plugging in power tools. Comes with a 3 ft. cord which plugs into a regular extension cord. Entire unit folds to a vertical height of 7 ft. for storage.
Sells for $189.95 with 300-watt bulb.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Althoff Mfg.; Weldon Althoff, Owner, P.O. Box 2017; Cody, Wyo. 82414 (ph 307 527-7107).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #2