1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #28
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Remote Switches Make It Easy To Test Spray Nozzles
After years of running back and forth between his tractor and spray boom to test spray nozzles, Denis Netzley, St. Louis, Mich., decided to install remote toggle switches that let him activate the spray nozzles right from the boom."The idea reduces waste and exposure of chemicals to the environment," says Netzley. "It worked so well I also installed remote switches on my planter for spray band nozzles and on my row crop cultivator."
He wired a positive wire from the tractor battery to the toggle switch and another wire from the switch back to the positive terminal on the solenoid valve at the nozzle. He also installed a plug-in connector between the tractor and planter for hooking up the wire.
"I needed only one switch for my 8-row planter. A 12-row planter would probably need two switches," says Netzley. "I mounted the switch under a planter seed box so that it can't be bumped accidentally. I mounted three remote switches on my sprayer boom, one for each section. I used a 4-prong snowmobile trailer connector on the sprayer. The planter required only two wires so I was able to use a 2-prong plug on it."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Denis Netzley, 2697 E. Harrison Rd., St. Louis, Mich. 48880 (ph 517 875-2431).

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