1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #28
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Gravel Road De-Rusts Metal Rods
While cruising a rural South Dakota road we spotted a farmer who had discovered a nifty way to scrub rust off a batch of sucker rod from oil well pumps.Used sucker rod is handy for many jobs around the farm and it can be bought cheap in many areas. The problem is that it's usually badly rusted.
Members of the Bon Homme Colony near Tabor, S. Dak., discovered a simple way to get rid of the rust - they drag the rods behind a tractor on gravel roads.
The rods are attached to a length of angle iron that fastens onto the lower lift arms of the tractor's 3-pt. hitch. The angle iron has 2-in. deep notches cut into its top side for the rods to fit into. The angle iron is lowered to within a few inches of the road. It takes about two miles of travel to rub off all the rust. Then the rods are reversed to clean the other half.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bon Homme Colony, RR, Tabor, S. Dak. 57063 (ph 605 463-2422).

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