1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #28
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Car Tire ATV Tow Hitch
One day last winter Larry Ulsaker, Medora, N. Dak., needed a quick way to tow his ATV behind his tractor so he rigged up a "car tire" tow hitch for temporary use until he could make something better. However, his "temporary" ATV tow hitch worked so well he's still using it.Ulsaker punched two small holes about 13 in. apart on each side of the 15-in. radial and ran wire through each hole to attach the tire to the front of the ATV. He punched a bigger hole all the way through the opposite side of the tire to accept the tractor's drawbar pin, and he also made slits in the tread on the front side of the tire to allow it to slide forward onto the drawbar. When he's not using the tow hitch he lifts the tire up at an angle and uses a rubber cord to hold it in place.
"Our land is rough and hilly so the tire provides a cushion to prevent danger to the ATV," says Ulsaker. "The only problem is that at night when the tire isn't being used it interferes with the ATV's headlights. I spaced the holes for the wires about 13 in. apart, but 16 to 24 in. might work better to get more leverage."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larry Ulsaker, HCO 1, Box 10, Medora, N. Dak. 58645 (ph 701 565-2292).

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