Pto-Powered Air Cmpressor
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"Our new pto-driven air compressor is light-weight and easy to use. Works great for filling tires or operating air tools in the field," says importer Ted Gerber. T h e compressor, made by Lawrence Edwards in England, attaches to the 3-pt.'s top link.
Develops up to 120 psi. Both single (4 cfm at 120 psi) and twin (8 cfm at 120 psi) piston models are available. Single piston model sells for $225; twin piston for $275.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shane Gerber, International Forage Equipment, Box 861, Newark, Ohio 43055 (ph 800 323-4031 or 614 345-4540)

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Pto-Powered Air Cmpressor FARM SHOP Miscellaneous 18-2-31 "Our new pto-driven air compressor is light-weight and easy to use. Works great for filling tires or operating air tools in the field," says importer Ted Gerber. T h e compressor, made by Lawrence Edwards in England, attaches to the 3-pt.'s top link.
Develops up to 120 psi. Both single (4 cfm at 120 psi) and twin (8 cfm at 120 psi) piston models are available. Single piston model sells for $225; twin piston for $275.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shane Gerber, International Forage Equipment, Box 861, Newark, Ohio 43055 (ph 800 323-4031 or 614 345-4540)
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