1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #31
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New from Farm Fans is a portable Pneumatic Grain Cleaner (PGC) that does its own housekeeping.Unlike screen-type cleaners that leave screenings in a pile that invariably blows away or gets wet, the PPG collects screenings in a dust-suppressing cyclone and neatly deposits them into a wagon or truck.
Used in conjunction with a grain dryer, the PPG cleans grain as it exits the dryer, sucking up and removing foreign material at the most optimum time ù when grain is in suspension. Cleaning grain as it comes out of the dryer produces dry screenings which can be stockpiled for feeding with-out spoiling.
The PGC is equipped with a 14 in centrifugal blower with a cast aluminum, 2 in. wide blade operated at 3,450 rpm. It's driven by a 1.5 hp electric motor and will accommodate most makes of dryers with up to about 2,000 bu. per hour capacity. Basic unit comes with two 6 in. rubber elbows, dryer discharge adapter, 30 ft. of 6 in. polyethylene tubing, and a high-density polyethylene cyclone.
Sells for $1,200, not including the electric motor, and readily adapts to most any part of your grain handling, drying and storage system.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Farm Fans, 5900 Elmwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 46203 (ph 317 787-6341).

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