1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #04
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Block Belt Tightener For Row Crop Heads
When chains on your Deere row crop head get stretched out but are still in good shape, you can tighten them with a block belt tightener from Bish's Farm Supply, Giltner, Neb.A plate with an idler is welded onto the combine. You tighten the belt by repositioning the idler "There are other block belt tighteners but they're spring loaded so they cost more," says Bish, who sells the units for $35 per row.
Also available for Deere row crop headers are three different products to keep mud from interfering with the header - Roto Shoes for $89 per row, wheels for $105 per row, and skid plates for $25 per row.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harv's Farm Supply, Rt. 1, Giltner, Neb. 68841 (ph 402 849-2293 or 402 849-2674).

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