1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #11
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Easy Mount Bucket Bale Probe
Slip a new "easy-mount" bale probe over the blade of your bucket and in less than a minute you're ready to move round bales."There's no need to remove the bucket or remove pins from the loader," says Phil Foster, manufacturer. "You simply hook the bale probe over the front edge of the loader bucket, wrap a chain around the bucket and tighten up the load binder. No tools required."
The probe, a solid 54 in. long, 2 in. dia. shaft, is bolted to the 1 1/2 ft. length of angle iron that slips under and over the blade of the bucket and serves as a support brace. Two short stabilizer rods keep the bale from turning. A 10-ft. long chain is welded to the under side of the angle iron bracket. In addition to holding the probe in place, the chain also reinforces the bucket edge so it can support the weight of the bale.
Fits virtually any loader bucket. Sells for $225.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Farmer's Factory Co., Box 122, County Line Road South, Lee, Ill. 60530 (ph 815 824-2132).

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