1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #28
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12 Row Head For Case/IH Combines
Case/IH doesn't build 12-row corn heads, so Harvey Bish, Giltner, Neb., built his own.Bish, known for his quick-tach header adaptors that let you mount one manufacturer's header on another manufacturer's combine, says some farmers prefer IH corn heads because they feel the knives on IH heads cut through stalks more completely than the rollers on Deere heads.
Bish started with an 8-row 30-in. International Harvester corn head. He added four used picking units, built the complete frame and auger, and installed a head quick-tach header adaptor for a Deere 8820 combine.
The 12-row corn head could also be mounted on New Holland, Case-IH, Gleaner, White, and Massey-Ferguson combine models.
Sells for $33,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harv's Farm Supply, Rt. 1, Giltner, Neb. 68841 (ph 402 849-2293 or 402 849-2674).

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