Plastic Tank Portable Cattle Waterer
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I used an old 30-gal. plastic tank to make an inexpensive, portable cattle waterer. I got the tank from my brother who has a dairy operation. The tank originally contained iodine teat dip. It's made from heavy nylon plastic and is virtually indestructible. I rinsed out the tank, then cut an opening in the top and installed a float on one end, out of the reach of cattle, and cut a hole in the top of the tank to insert a garden hose. I mounted the tank on top of a a homemade steel frame. I welded a pair of bolts onto each side of the frame so that I can chain the tank to the frame. I've also used these plastic tanks to make calf feeders. (Ralph E. Hunt, HCR 52724, New Salem, Mass. 01355 (ph 508 544-3830)

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Plastic Tank Portable Cattle Waterer LIVESTOCK Beef 18-2-34 I used an old 30-gal. plastic tank to make an inexpensive, portable cattle waterer. I got the tank from my brother who has a dairy operation. The tank originally contained iodine teat dip. It's made from heavy nylon plastic and is virtually indestructible. I rinsed out the tank, then cut an opening in the top and installed a float on one end, out of the reach of cattle, and cut a hole in the top of the tank to insert a garden hose. I mounted the tank on top of a a homemade steel frame. I welded a pair of bolts onto each side of the frame so that I can chain the tank to the frame. I've also used these plastic tanks to make calf feeders. (Ralph E. Hunt, HCR 52724, New Salem, Mass. 01355 (ph 508 544-3830)
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