1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #33
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Permanent Replacement Seals For Load Shaft On Deere Tractors
A Missouri machine shop that got tired of replacing leaky load control shaft seals on Deere 30 and 40 Series tractors came up with heavy-duty "permanent" replacement seals.Boling Machine Shop, Clarence Mo., says Deere's seals often start leaking after 6 months or less. Boling has been making heavy-duty replacements for 7 years and has yet to have a leak or a worn-out seal.
The replacements are steel bushings with inset 0-rings or neoprenewashers, depending on the model. Both 0-rings and washers can be replaced without replacing the steel bushings.
The 4020 seals also fit 4010, 5010, 5020, and some applications of 4000 models. The 3020 seal also fits 2510, 2520, 3010, and 4030 tractors. A 4520 seal also fits 4620, 7020 and 7520 tractors. All sizes sell for $50 a set.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Boling Machine Shop, Rt. 3, Box 176, Clarence, Mo. 63437 (ph 816 699-3717).

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