1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #33
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Torque Converter For Allison Transmissions
New torque convertor is designed to pro-vide the full range of power from a Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine that's coupled with an Allison 542/545 transmission.According to the manufacturer, Valley Fuel Injection, the Allison 542/545 transmission's fluid coupling takes place at 1,800 engine rpm's, which means it's not able to take advantage of the low torque rpm that the Cummins engine develops. An-other problem is that the engine revs at close to governed rpm at 60 mph, and at low vehicle speeds high input is required to over-come the load.
Once installed, the BD converter provides more power at low rpm's, reduced rpm's at highway speeds, and lower trans-mission temperatures.
Sells for $550 and takes about 10 hrs, to install.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Val-ley Fuel Injection, P.O. Box 231, Sumas, Wash. 98295 or Rt. 2, Abbotsford, R.C.
Canaria (nh 604 851-60961.

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