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Pickup Cover Cranks Open, Shut
"It's one of the simplest pickup covers on the market," says David Schreck, Tiptoe, Mo., about his new retractable top that fits any size pickup, grain wagon, or straight truck. It open and shuts on a simple chaindriven track, powered by a hand crank.
The cover is supported by 1-in. steel tube bows fastened at each end in tracks along the truck or wagon box lip. When cranked, a chain built into the track, slides the bows back and forth.
"It gives you a weather-tight seal for hauling grain or equipment.
When you want it out of the way, it retracts to just 18 in. at the front of the pickup," explains Schreck. The cover can be made to line up with the top of the pickup cab, or to rise just above the box. It's made from waterproof canvas.
Cost to cover an average size pickup with a 7 to 8 in. high cover is about $350, or right at $45 a running foot.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Schreck, president, Royal Axman, Inc., Tiptop, Mo. 65081 (ph 816 433-2026).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #6