Drawbar Pull Arm For Tractor Tile Plows
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One of the farmers who owns one of my tractor tile plows came up with this drawbar pull arm that lets you add an extra pulling point to take pressure off the top link. It has a metal plate that fits behind the main upright on the plow - so it can be easily adjusted up or down - and pins to the hole in the tractor drawbar. To mount this piece, set your 3-pt. so that you have 10 to 12 in. of clearance from the ground to the bottom of the frame where your 3-pt. hooks up. Once this piece is tightened down, the 3-pt. can't be raised or lowered. When you have to raise the 3-pt. again, you just loosen it up. Another farmer with one of my tile plows has tried this idea and says he wouldn't be without it. (Don Wurdinger, Farm Drainage Plows, 909 4th St. N.W., Waverly, Iowa 50677 ph 319 352-3911)

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Drawbar Pull Arm For Tractor Tile Plows TILLAGE EUIPMENT Accessories 18-2-37 One of the farmers who owns one of my tractor tile plows came up with this drawbar pull arm that lets you add an extra pulling point to take pressure off the top link. It has a metal plate that fits behind the main upright on the plow - so it can be easily adjusted up or down - and pins to the hole in the tractor drawbar. To mount this piece, set your 3-pt. so that you have 10 to 12 in. of clearance from the ground to the bottom of the frame where your 3-pt. hooks up. Once this piece is tightened down, the 3-pt. can't be raised or lowered. When you have to raise the 3-pt. again, you just loosen it up. Another farmer with one of my tile plows has tried this idea and says he wouldn't be without it. (Don Wurdinger, Farm Drainage Plows, 909 4th St. N.W., Waverly, Iowa 50677 ph 319 352-3911)
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