Livestock Panel Bender
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I invented the Livestock Panel Bender, which was first featured in FARM SHOW several years ago. It's a hand tool that makes it easy to put ridges in flimsy wire cattle panels so they'll "stand up" for use as gates and partitions around the farm. I recently came out with a new and improved version fitted with a longer, angled handle that reduces the amount of force you need to exert when bending the panels. The redesigned unit also puts larger ridges in the panels so they're even stiffer than they were with the original bender. Sells for $27 plus $7 ship-ping ($12 shipping to Canada). (Vic Stratman, HCR 71, Box 54, Argyle, Mo. 65001 ph 314 422-3929)

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Livestock Panel Bender LIVESTOCK Handling 18-2-36 I invented the Livestock Panel Bender, which was first featured in FARM SHOW several years ago. It's a hand tool that makes it easy to put ridges in flimsy wire cattle panels so they'll "stand up" for use as gates and partitions around the farm. I recently came out with a new and improved version fitted with a longer, angled handle that reduces the amount of force you need to exert when bending the panels. The redesigned unit also puts larger ridges in the panels so they're even stiffer than they were with the original bender. Sells for $27 plus $7 ship-ping ($12 shipping to Canada). (Vic Stratman, HCR 71, Box 54, Argyle, Mo. 65001 ph 314 422-3929)
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