Tree Cutter Mounts On 3-Pt Hitch or Front-End Loader
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You can cut trees or branches up to 12 in. dia. with our new tree cutter that mounts on either a 3-pt. hitch or front-end loader. When mounted on a front-end loader, you can either use it at ground level, or swivel it 90 degrees and use it high up in the air as a trimmer. A single 4-in. dia. cylinder with a 20-in. stroke provides cutting power. It activates a large steel blade that pushes through the tree trunk or branch into a slotted set of gripper teeth.
It's easy to hook up and can be used on tractors as small as 40 hp. We don't think there's any other land-clearing tool or tree trimmer on the market that is as easy to use or as trouble-free.
Sells for $2,200. A fixed, horizontally-mounted model that doesn't pivot sells for $1,795. (Easy-Cut, Inc., Box 162, Ravia, Okla. 73455 ph 405 3712725 or 36016)

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Tree Cutter Mounts On 3-Pt Hitch or Front-End Loader TRACTORS Loaders 18-2-35 You can cut trees or branches up to 12 in. dia. with our new tree cutter that mounts on either a 3-pt. hitch or front-end loader. When mounted on a front-end loader, you can either use it at ground level, or swivel it 90 degrees and use it high up in the air as a trimmer. A single 4-in. dia. cylinder with a 20-in. stroke provides cutting power. It activates a large steel blade that pushes through the tree trunk or branch into a slotted set of gripper teeth.
It's easy to hook up and can be used on tractors as small as 40 hp. We don't think there's any other land-clearing tool or tree trimmer on the market that is as easy to use or as trouble-free.
Sells for $2,200. A fixed, horizontally-mounted model that doesn't pivot sells for $1,795. (Easy-Cut, Inc., Box 162, Ravia, Okla. 73455 ph 405 3712725 or 36016)
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