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Wagon Gear Features 4-Wheel Steering
"The big problem with conventional running gears has always been that the rear end overturns," explains William Wolf, inventor and manufacturer. To solve the problem, he used two front ends and a "rack and pinion" mechanism to provide four-wheel steering. The "rack" or turning mechanism activates all wheels, both front and back. When the front wheels are turned, the reach also turns, causing the back wheels to turn the exact same amount so they follow the tracks made by the front wheels.
"There's no need for backing or jockeying to make sharp turns. You simply turn as short as you want and the "T" mechanism does the rest. Our 10-ton wagon with a 72 in. wheel tread, for example, turns within a 20 ft. radius," Wolf points out. "When pulled down the road behind a pickup, four-wheel steering virtually eliminates the usual whipping, swaying or fishtailing action you get with conventional trailers."
Here's another advantage: TrueTrak four-wheel steer wagon gears, equipped with two front ends, turn from either end. If, for example, you get stuck in the field, you can simply pull a pin, switch the tongue around and pull the wagon in reverse.
Another feature: The wagon reach telescopes inside special sleeves to provide a variable wheel base to accommodate a wide variety of box lengths.
A 10-ton wagon gear, factory equipped with True-Trak four-wheel steering, sells for right at $4,050. "That's about $200 higher than you'd pay for a comparable trailer with conventional two-wheel steering," says Wolf. "Assuming 10 years depreciation, that's only $20 a year extra for four-wheel steering." Factory-equipped Tru-Trak wagons with 6 and 8 ton capacity are also available.
If you're handy with a welder and can round up two front ends, you could buy the True-Trak "rack and pinion" mechanism and build your own four-wheel steer trailer. "You may be able to special order a duplicate front end direct from the manufacturer of a wagon you already own. Or, you may be able to buy a used running gear from which you could salvage a front end to match one you already own," Wolf points out.
For more details, including dealer inquiries, call or write: FARM SHOW Followup, Suemnicht Enterprises, National True-Trak Distributor, Grafton, Wis. (ph. 414 377-7389, or 377-2559).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #1