1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #15
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High Reach Scissor Type Trimmer
You've never seen anything like this new bucket-mounted hydraulic tree trimmer that works as high as a loader can reach.Designed to slip over the end of a bale spear, the trimmer can also be mounted on a tractor 3-pt. and used to shear trees off at ground level.
John Parkhurst, Hughesville, Mo., got the idea out of necessity. "Last summer I had numerous tree limbs I needed to cut out of the way because they interfered with mowing and the movement of machinery. Although the end of each limb was low, the main part of the limb would be too high to reach except standing on a ladder or in a front-end loader bucket. I wasn't comfort-able using a chainsaw that way so I decided to find a better way."
After working out a design on paper and making scale models, Parkhurst built a working model last November. The unit has since been redesigned numerous times and tested on different types of wood, including rock hard hedge wood.
The scissor-type trimmer is fitted with a single 4 by 8-in. cylinder and self-centering tempered steel blades. It slips over the point of a bucket-mounted bale spear and can be positioned in either an up-and-down position or horizontally. Parkhurst plans to offer an optional hydraulic system to rotate the trimmer from the tractor seat. He notes that you could mount any length of spear on the front loader to reach up as high as needed for trimming.
Cuts through limbs up to 6 to 6 in. diameter. Parkhurst hopes to sell the trimmer for under $450.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John W. Parkhurst, P&W Engineering, Rt.1, Box 2, Hughesville, Mo. 65334 (ph 816 826-4570 or 827-5856).

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