1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #07
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Front-End Loader Bale Unroller
When Dave and Darryl Rachar, Erskine, Alberta, started feeding round bales to cattle, they got frustrated with the problems of unrolling bales for feeding.They say they found the ideal solution with an unroller that attaches to the grapple fork on a front end loader. The 8-in. dia. heavy steel roller has sealed bearings on either end. The roller mounts on support arms that attach to the top of the grapple fork.
To unroll a bale, you simply close the grapple fork and tilt the bucket straight down and push the roller against the bale. The roller spins freely, nudging even the most settled bales easily along the ground.
Activating the grapple fork hydraulic cylinders makes it easy to move bales along that have a flat side.
The biggest advantage of mounting the roller on the grapple fork is that you can use the grapple loader to move bales around and then use the roller to unroll them. Because the unroller mounts on top of the grapple fork, it doesn't get in the way of normal operation of the grapple.
The Rachar's have started custom building the unroller.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave & Darryl Rachar, Rachar Farms, Box 140, Erskine, Alberta Canada T0C 1G0 (ph 403 742-4650).

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