1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #27
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Support Wheel For Planter Marker Arms
"We've had prototypes on our two 16-row Deere planters for three years with great results. Pin wear on hinge joints has been virtually eliminated," says Eric Jorgensen, of EJ Engineering, Williamston, Mich., about his new support wheel for marker arms.He uses a lightweight alloy 21-in. motor-cycle wheel (27 in. dia. with tire) attached to a bracket that mounts at the end of the second section of the marker arm.
"The problem with large marker arms is the small diameter of the marker disc, which causes a lot of drag. Our wheel is fitted with a slotted bracket so you can adjust the marker to put only as much pressure on the marking disc as needed yet still maintain 10 to 12 in. of up and down travel. We remove half of the weight at the end of the arm and angle the disc so it makes a better mark," says Jorgensen.
The "Land-N-Gear" support wheel is designed to fit all row crop planter markers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, EJ Engineering, 2333 S. Dietz Rd., Williamston, Mich. 48895 (ph 517 655-5757; fax 517 655-2621).

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