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ToolMakes It Easy To Repair Universal Joints
"Our new tool for repairing universal joints lets one man do the job right on the machine," says Robert Rottinghaus, Clever Tech, Inc., Jesup, Iowa.
The tool consists of a C-shaped clamp and a threaded bolt with fittings for two 1/2-in. sockets - a small one that snaps onto the bottom of the bolt and a larger one that snaps onto the bottom arm of the clamp. The small socket has an in-side diameter larger than the diameter of the bearing cage. Tightening the bolt presses the small socket down into the yoke so that it pushes the bearing out the other side of the cross bearing. Then turn the U -joint upside down and repeat the procedure to remove the bearing on the other side of the yoke.
To install a new cross bearing, use two sockets that are slightly smaller than the diameter of the cross bearing cage, then press them together by tightening the bolt and replace the snap rings.
Suggested retail price is $89, with dealer discounts available (three or more units qualifies as a dealer discount).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clever Tech, Inc., 412 S. Canfield, Jesup, Iowa 50648 (ph 319 827-1311, fax 319 827-2425).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2