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Cord Keeper Elimates Tangles
Earl Weber hasn't fought tangled electrical cords in years thanks to the "Cord Keeper" he invented.
"They should be out on store counters right now," says the retired Dunlap, Iowa, farmer. "They'd be a great seller."
Weber's invention consists of six 8 in. long pieces of plastic pipe glued into a piece of wood. Cords hang in loops from the pieces of pipe and are held in place by a U-shaped metal locking gate.
One of Weber's Cord Keepers is about 12-in. wide, the other about 10 in. wide. Length and width could be tailored for any length or weight cord, he notes.
You can use the devices to carry cords around or hang them on a wall.
Weber has also patented a model for garden hoses. It uses the same principle but is made out of curved pieces of metal instead of plastic pipe.
"Cords or hoses will come off them just they way you put them on," says Weber, who's looking for a manufacturer. "They just work perfectly."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earl Weber, R.R. 1, Box 194, Dunlap, Iowa 51529 (ph 712 643-5756).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2