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Roller Chain Repair Tool
One person can repair roller chains quickly and easily, says John King, inventor of a new roller chain repair tool called the Chain King.
Small hooks on the tips of the tool make it easy to remove (and then rein-stall) the spring clip on the master link, and to remove and reattach the "keeper". Then the tool can be used to pull the two ends of the chain together to replace the master link.
Comes in two models with lifetime warranty replacement. Chain King 650, for #35 to #50 series chains, sells for $14.95. Chain King 800, for #35 to #80 chains, sells for $19.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, King's Tool Co., 114 So. Osborn, Mayfield, Kan. 67103 (ph 800 205-8965 or 316 434-5471).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2