1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #26
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"After spending lots of time and money repairing ditcher-terracers, I decided to build my own. There's nothing else like it on the market," says Junior Liebrecht, Continental, Ohio.The 3-pt. mounted Liebrecht ditcher is equipped with a 5-ft. dia. cutting wheel that throws dirt up to 120 ft. to the side of the machine. Or, with the hydraulic side hood lowered, it will drop dirt close in for terracing.
"It's particularly handy for making shallow, wide ditches to drain wet pockets in fields because the depth can be so easily controlled," says Liebrecht, who does custom drainage work. "It requires less maintenance because the blade operates at a slower speed and because there's no place for rocks and debris to bind up on it. Also, it's gear-driven instead of chain-driven. Less horse-power is needed because it throws dirt to the side instead of up into the air. And because dirt is never thrown more than 12 ft. high it won't intertfere with laser guidance beams.
The machine is powered by a 1,000 rpm pto. Requires a 150-200 hp tractor.
Sells for $9,600. Laser, receiver with solenoid valve, and 2-speed gearbox extra.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Liebrecht Ditcher, Rt. 2, 17771, Continental, Ohio 45831 (ph 419 596-3501).

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