1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #34
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Rebuilt Rasp Bars
"I extend the life of rasp bars on my combine cylinder by rebuilding the leading edge of each rib on the bars," says Edwin H. Bredemeier, Steinauer, Neb., who says he's used the idea for years with excellent results."I build up the leading edge of each rib at the wear point with hardsurfacing material (#2) and then use an electric grinder to grind out a half-moon shaped area on the leading edge (#3). The end result is that the cylinder bar pulls the crop through the cylinder bet-ter without any bunching up in front of cylinder. Makes it much more aggressive. The modification also boosts capacity and takes less power because grain doesn't stay in the cylinder so long," says Bredemeier.
"I've used this idea on Case combines but see no reason it would not work on any combine with rasp bars."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup,Edwin H. Bredemeier, Rt. 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Neb. 68441 (ph 402 869-2334).

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