1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #25
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Modification Kits For Deere Planters
Two new modification kits are designed to update Deere Max-Emerge planters.S.I. Distributing says the first of its con-version kits lets you adapt a Kinze brush-type seed meter to fit the seed box on a Deere 7200 finger pickup planter.
"Kinze's new soybean brush meter, known for its accuracy, fits Deere 7000 or Kinze planters with no modifications," says Joe Whitney. "However, you need our conversion kit to fit the meter to a Deere 7200 fmger pickup planter. Also, the Kinze meter can't be adapted to fit the 7200 vacuum planter seed boxes. However, you can convert the vacuum planter to a finger pickup planter by mounting new 7200 finger pickup seed boxes on it and adapting the Kinze brush meter to them."
The conversion kit includes a "seed block" mounting plate fora finger pickup seed box, metric bolt and nut, adapting template altering instructions used for cutting the seed box to fit the meter, and detailed instructions for cutting the meter shaft (on Kinze planters) and drilling a new hole in it.
Sells for $9.50 per row.
Also available is a parts kit to adapt Deere 7200 no-till cast-iron closing wheels to fit Deere 7000 and Kinze planters. The kit consists of a pair of heavy-duty spindles that can handle the extra weight of the heavier wheels, increasing bearing life and eliminating spindle breakage.
Sells for 17.95 per row.
Company also offers a corn meter training video with detailed information on testing and repair of Deere and Kinze finger pickup and vacuum meters. Sells for $38.95 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S.I. Distributing, 03221 Barber Werner Road, St. Marys, Ohio 45885 (ph 800 368-7773 or 419 647-44.44).

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