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Attachment Lets You “Spread And Level” With A Belly Dump Trailer
Tim Hudson, a local farmer and owner of TJM Trucking in rural Colfax, N. Dak., started hauling gravel to subsidize his farm operation. But he had a problem. He found himself having to pass up jobs because of the limited ability of his belly dump trailer.
    Belly dump trailer operators have to get up to a speed of 25 to 30 mph and open their gates in order for the aggregate to spread out on the road surface. In situations such as small towns with gravel streets, farm yards, driveways, or winding roads, speed can not only be dangerous but sometimes impossible. Hudson needed a way to unload aggregate from a belly dump trailer at greatly reduced speeds.
So he invented an attachment for belly dump trailers that lets the operator level and spread aggregate evenly at slower, safer speeds. With the help of a local manufacturer, it’s now for sale.
The GT II Spreader replaces a belly dump trailer’s existing push block with an air-operated, 16-in. high steel blade that’s just under 8 ft. wide (dozers and payloaders use push blocks to push the truck and trailer if it ever gets stuck). A powerful air cylinder is used to adjust the blade angle.
The attachment comes with its own built-in push block and with an adapter plate that lets you attach the unit to any belly dump trailer equipped with a push block.
    Tim enlisted the help of his son Jarrett and his brother Dan Hudson, who owns D.T. Hudson, LLC, a local retail, manufacturing, and distribution company in rural Lake Park, Minn. The Hudson’s partnered with MidMach Mfg. in Jamestown, N. Dak., to build the attachment.
    “The GT II Spreader lets you spread aggregate at reduced speeds and still haul other products such as dirt, clay, and hot mix with your belly dump trailer, unlike a one-dimensional cross dump,” says Dan. “It’s a completely new way of spreading material with a belly dump trailer. We’ve sold units locally and as far away as Texas. Our first prototype was hydraulic-operated, but we soon learned that not every truck has a hydraulic system. However, all trucks have air systems.”
    According to Dan, the attachment eliminates an entire grading step. “After spreading gravel the road is immediately driveable, without the need for a box blade or road grader. You don’t need to grade the road down before the truck comes back with another load, and other vehicles can drive right behind you without having to wait for a grader.
    “Another benefit is that at a stop sign or corner you can spread gravel traveling as slow as 10 mph. It’s impossible to travel that slow with a belly dump trailer and spread gravel effectively, because the gravel gets laid down too thick or it ends up in a dangerous ridge that’s not only unsafe for motorists but could cause an operator to get stuck.”    
    A large hole on top of the attachment provides access to a heavy duty chain, which is used to lock the blade up for doing maintenance work.
    The GT II Spreader is powder coated and can either be painted or unpainted. It sells for about $7,000, including the adapter plate.
    The company is looking for dealers.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D.T. Hudson, LLC, 23593 130th Ave., Lake Park, Minn. 56554 (ph 701 306-6870; www.mygtspreader.com; dan@dthudsonllc.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #5