1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #13
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Treadmill Conditioner For Cattle, Horses Or Hogs
A new way to walk, fit and condition cattle or horses, called the Anamill Treadmill Conditioner, is the "fastest, easiest and safest way to fit animals for show, breeding or performance," according to Bob McLlhatten, inventor and marketer.The floor of the unit is on a 7% incline, which takes approximately 30% of the weight off the front legs of the animal being exercised. It's powered by a 1.5 hp electric motor which operates on 110V (changeable to 220V). Speed of the treadmill can be varied from 12.5 to 113 rpm. Horses for example,a re usually "walked" on the treadmill for five minutes to begin with, which is equivalent to about a one mile walk, then walked about 10 minutes every other day thereafter, depending on how they're being used. At top speed, the animals walk rather than run or trot. Although speed of the treadmill is variable, it is constant at the set speed, a feature which is important in exercising animals, McLlhatten points out.
Two models are offered -- one for horses (3 ft. wide) and one for both cattle and horses which is 4 ft. wide. For cattle, the front opening can be removed so cattle can see out while they're being exercised. Both models are equipped with an automatic timer control and are completely weather proof.
Both models can also be equipped with a coin-operated control for rental use at shows. one quarter operates the unit for three minutes. A heavy duty cattle tie positions the animal's head, while it's being treadmilled, at whatever height you select. An optional towing package is available which makes any treadmill towable behind a car or truck.
"Users claim cattle lead easier after treadmill use. Treadmilling also is excellent for rehabilitating horses with leg problems while still developing wind," McLlhatten explains. "It can be used to keep colic horses moving, without costly labor or personal fatigue, and it's excellent therapy for horses needing exercise, yet not allowed to run and play. This forced exercise also helps older or lazy brood mares to conceive easier, and conditions them for show, sale, performance or racing."
McLlhatten is working on a smaller model treadmill for dogs. "Our present models for cattle or horses can be used to exercise and condition hogs," he points out.
Both models weigh right at 2,000 lbs. and each retails for $3,795.
For more details, contact: Horsey, Inc., Bob McLlhatten, Presiden; Rt. 2 Box 78, Amarillo, Texas 79101 (ph 806 335-2197).

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