1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #13
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Proportioner Dispenses Correct Drug Dosages
"It's virtually maintenance free and has been extensively tested for both cattle and hogs. We know it works," says Fred Eckels, Sales Manager of Purdy Proportioners, a new firm with a new product.The new Purdy liquid Proportioner delivers any water-soluble medication in the right dosage through your automatic watering system. It comes pre-set from the factory to deliver a proportion of 50:1 for hogs or 100:1 for cattle. It mounts in line (so the water flows through it at all times) on a wall or post, in a well or pit, or alongside a waterer.
Inside the cylinder is a plastic bag to receive the pre-mixed medication. It holds more than 2 gals. of medication, enough to treat up to a day's water supply for an average lot of animals.
Medication amount is determined by the rule of thumb that an animal drinks one gallon of water daily fro each 100 pounds of body weight. For example, suppose you want to treat 120 100-lb. hogs using a Model-5C Proportioner with a sulfa medication which states each pound package will medicate 50 gals. of water. The package also states the treatment is to continue two days.
This pen of animals, using the "rule of thumb", can be expected to drink 120 gallons of water each day. You may decide to charge the Proportioner both morning and night with one gallon and a quart of a stock mixture made by dissolving one package in each gallon. Or, you may decide to charge the Proportioner with two and one-half gallons of the same stock mix, but only once each day. Either way the proper dosage has been dispensed.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Purdy Proportioners, Box P, Belmont, WI 53510 (ph 608 762 5118).

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