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Horse-Drawn Planter Built From 6-Row Deere 7000
Ezra Miller farms with horses and he wanted a better stand and yield than he was getting from his old-style horse-drawn planter. So he chopped up a 30-in., 6-row Deere 7000.
    “I cut the frame in half and replaced the rubber-tired wheels with steel wheels,” says Miller. “Originally, I left the wheels where they were, but this year I moved them ahead on the frame to balance the load better and put less weight on the horses.”
    Miller also mounted the seat behind the planter units instead of above, as is more common. “It helps with the weight balance, but also lets me visually check seed drop,” he explains.
    Miller uses a simple lever to raise and lower the planter units. A steel strap from the lever shuts off the planting mechanism when the planter is raised off the ground. Markers are also raised and lowered manually using ropes to either side.
    “When I make my next version, I’ll make a lift system like the old plows with a trip lever that lifts the planter,” he says.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ezra Miller, 45343 Valley Ave., McIntire, Iowa 50455 (ph 641 229-5684).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4