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Ball Helps Keep Water Tanks Full
“If I can’t see the ball, I know it’s time to put water in the tank,” says Eugene Lee about his simple method for checking livestock tanks.
  The Bigfork, Mont., rancher has to haul water to fill his livestock tanks, some of which are a couple hundred yards off the road. Instead of driving out to them to check water levels, he ties a colorful plastic ball (about 12-in. dia.) to a brick or piece of iron and drops it in the center of his water tank. Some balls have handles to tie to; he slips others in netting and ties the weight to that.
  When the water level goes down, so does the ball. If he can’t see the ball, Lee knows the tank needs water.
  “I’ve been using this idea for 10 years. It saves a lot of steps and trips,” Lee says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eugene Lee, 2076 Riverside Rd., Bigfork, Mont. 59911 (ph 406 257-2233).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4