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Low-Cost Portable Horse Shelter
Robert Giese didn't want to spend the money for a commercial horse shelter, so he built his own out of wood.
  "It mounts on skids and can be moved with a 30 hp tractor. Best of all, I spent less than $200 to build it. Commercial models of comparable size sell for $2,000 or more," says Giese.
  The horse shelter measures 16 ft. wide by 10 ft. deep and has a slanted metal roof screwed onto -in. thick plywood. The building is 10 ft. high on front and 6 ft. high on back. There is no floor. The frame is made from 2 by 6's and 2 by 4's, with 6-in. wide, 1-in. thick pine boards used for the siding. Each skid has a bolt at one end, which allows the building to be towed with log chains.
  "It's built strong and should last for years. Also, it's narrow enough to fit through my 12-ft. wide gates," says Giese. "It provides a great place to get out of the sun during the summer and serves as a windbreak during the winter. Best of all I don't have to clean out any manure. All I do is hook the chains onto the skids and pull the building somewhere else. I rounded one end of the skids so they don't dig into the dirt as I pull it."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert P. Giese, P.O. Box 4277, Bedford, Wyo. 83112 (ph 307 883-4027).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #2