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Three-IN One Round Bale Loader
"Our new `three-in-one' round bale loader can be pulled behind a pickup, mounted on a pickup bed, or 3-pt. mounted on a tractor. It's the most versatile bale handler on the market," says Duffel Fortenberry, EXCL Co., Lockney, Texas.
It's powered by a 12-volt electro-hydraulic motor that's wired to the pickup battery. A hydraulic cylinder raises or lowers the bale spear from the cab. By pulling a pin, the bale spear can be mounted on a pickup bed. By pulling three pins you can 3-pt. mount the bale spear on a tractor.
"We've had so much interest we can't build them fast enough," says Fortenberry. "The pickup loader will load bales 4 ft. high onto a trailer and the 3-pt. unit, with bolt-on extension, will load them about 6 ft. high. It can also be used to haul 4 by 4 by 8-ft. rectangular bales."
The trailer-mounted model sells for $1,345. The pickup loader alone sells for $995. The extension sells for $295.
The company also makes a round bale trailer equipped with five lever-operated gates that dump bales off. The 30-ft. long trailer holds six 5-ft. bales or seven 4-ft. bales. The trailer is equipped with springs, brakes, and lights and is available with a gooseneck or conventional hitch.
The conventional hitch model sells for $2,750 and the gooseneck hitch model for $3,250.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The EXCL Co., Rt. 2, Box 135, Lockney, Texas 79241 (ph 806 983-3022).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3