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Swath Compactor Stops Baler Plut-Ups
Compressing large straw swaths from combines can help smaller, older balers pick up windrows left by wide cutterbars.
The "Straw Compactor", manufactured by Ben Burgess in England, makes it possible for narrow pickups on existing balers to cope with wide windrows left by combines. Front-mounted on the tractor, the compactor consists of a simple rubber-covered roller that presses down on the top of the swath and a pair of large gathering wheels - like those found on many round balers - that can be fitted to the roller as optional equipment to pick up even larger swaths.
Flattening the swath also lets hay or straw feed more evenly into the baler, notes Burgess.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ben Burgess, England (ph 0603-628251). (Farmer's Weekly)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3