Fold-Up Pontoon Boat
First-of-its-kind pontoon boat built in New Zealand has a remote control electric winch that opens and shuts the boat in minutes.
Built-in wheels wind up or down with jacks and can be easily removed in water. The drawbar built into the front of the boat also removes quickly in the water.
The sides of the fold-up boat are raised and lowered by steel cable that runs over a post at the center of the boat. When folded, the boat is just 4 1/2 ft. wide. Unfolded width is 10 ft. It's 20 ft. long and weighs 1,430 lbs. so it can be towed by a small vehicle. The boat can carry up to 6,600 lbs. in water. Seating equipment is available (model shown is designed for commercial cargo use).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Myark Marine Limited, 27 Grayson Ave., Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand (ph 279 4266; fax 277 6694).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3