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Electric Tape Fencing Keeps Animals In Pasture
We raise paint horses and we're very pleased with the electric tape fencing we use to keep animals on pasture. It's made by RAMMfence, Box 268, Swanton, Ohio 43558 ph 800 434-8455; Website: www.rammfence.com). The electric tape is designed to attach to plastic line posts. However, we wanted a stronger fence that would stand up to the ice storms we occasionally get, so instead of using plastic posts we used conventional steel T-posts and then slipped pieces of 3-in. dia. pvc pipe over them. We also fastened electric tape hangers to the pvc posts.
  We've used this system for two years now. The tape is highly visible and easy on the animals - we've never had a horse go through the fence or get hurt. Once a horse sticks its nose against the tape and gets stocked he won't go near it again. (Mitch and Vicki Cloe, Rt. 1, Box 72, Tower Hill, Ill. 62571 ph 217 562-3198)

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #1