2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4, Page #44
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Easy Way To Add A Second Cab Door
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"In my opinion, this right-side door is something Deere should have added from the very start," Meyer says. "For me, it only took about $50 worth of materials, and it saves me a lot of steps. The project took half a day and it's sure handy. You can make this work on any of the older 20 series Deere cabs."
According to Meyer, you don't even have to add hinges in this modification project, because the existing window hinge works as the hinge for the added door.
The first thing he did was to cut out the brace between the window and bottom panel so that it was flush with the cab. Then he bolted the bottom panel to the remaining brace, and cut off the extra piece.
"I welded a little gusset on each side to support the two pieces and then welded an angle iron on the bottom of the panel to support it," Meyer explains. "Next, I filled in the holes on the bottom where the panel was bolted on, with silicone. On both sides of the door, I bolted on handles that I got off a wrecked cab. I also mounted a piece of rod to the inside of the door for pulling it shut, and made a catch on top of the door to hold it open."
He then welded a rod with supports down the outside, right side of the door frame just like on the original door.
Underneath the cab mount, Meyer bolted an 8-in. long piece of 6-in. channel iron (he first cut the back side off), "so it fits up in there nicely and looks original." Next, he mounted three 12 by 7-in steps, spaced 12 inches apart on a 25-in. piece of 3-in. channel. The steps sit at a 45 degree angle to the tractor and are set forward a little. "I made the same kind of steps to replace the originals on the other side, too, because they had real suicide things on there originally," he says. "The ones the tractor came with were not big enough and too steep."
Meyer says, because he has a loader on his tractor, the added door is extra handy for standing on the step and working the levers.
"Also, if you want to pick up a rock or a root, you can slip in and out either side. A big person might have trouble, but I can slip in and out of there with no problem," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Garry Meyer, Box 297, Carrot River, Sask., Canada S0E 0L0 (ph 306 768-3583).

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