2002 - Volume #26, Issue #5, Page #33
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On-Farm Weigh Scales
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The North Battleford, Sask., company specializes in all kinds of weigh scales, including a portable scale for round bales, a pickup bale spear with scale, a front-end loader bale spear with scale, a scale for hopper feeders pulled by ATV's, stationary and portable crate scales, and truck and trailer platform scales.
"All of our scales are self-contained and operate without any electronics," says Gordon Elias. "Each scale consists of a single center-mounted load cell, with a hydraulic pressure line from the load cell to the gauge. The self-contained, sealed hydraulic system is not affected by the weather or barn acids. They work good in temperatures down to minus 40. Everything pivots toward the center, which eliminates the need for two or more load cells. With this type of scale, you can stand on any of the scale's four corners and still get an accurate reading."
The portable bale scale is 4 ft. long and has a cradle that holds the bale.
"You can mount the scale on the ground, on a flat deck, or in the back of your pickup. Some farmers mount the scale on a homemade wooden base so that it won't sink into the ground. It's accurate to within one half of one percent or to within 5 lbs. on a 1,000-lb. bale."
Sells for $1,395 (Canadian).
The pickup-mounted bale spear scale, which is equipped with an electronic winch, can accurately weigh bales weighing up to 3,000 lbs. The operator reads the weight on a 6-in. high dial that mounts right behind the pickup cab where the driver can easily see it. "It lets you spear the bale and weigh it at the same time," says Elias.
Besides weighing, the unit can be used for transporting bales from the field and also for feeding your livestock.
The bale spear scale sells for $3,195.
The front-end loader bale spear with scale sells for $1,895.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Elias Scale, North Battleford, Sask., Canada (ph 306 445-2111; fax 306 445-2197; Website: www.eliasscales.com).

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