1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #26
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Three-In-One Wood Stove
"It represents a brand new way of making a wood stove," says Jim Cook, president of Self-Sufficiency Products, a Minneapolis-based firm which has introduced the new Sierra stove.Designed primarily for farm use, it's actually three appliances in one - heater, cook stove and trash burner.
"The Sierra will totally heat your home or farm shop free if you cut your wood, or for only about $20 a month if you buy it," explains Cook. It's lined with firebrick to provide almost total combustion with virtually no ashes. It has no grates, no damper and doesn't smoke when the door is opened. Although designed primarily for burning wood, a grate can be put in and the Sierra fired with coal," says Cook.
Another key feature is its extra heavy construction. Made of 1/4 and 5/16 in. thick steel plate, it weighs considerably more than comparable size conventional wood stoves and won't bend, buckle, burn out or rust out, according to the manufacturer.
Two models are offered:
The Sierra 300: It weighs 394 lbs. and is 18 in. wide, 32 in. high and 32 in. long. Its fire chamber accepts logs up to 30 in. long. Heats approximately 2,000 sq. ft. and is rated at more than 70% efficient. Delivers up to 50,000 btu's. Sells for $399.
The Sierra 150: It weighs 335 lbs. and measures 16 in. wide, 24 in, high and 24 in. long. It handles logs up to 22 in. and heats approximately 1,500 sq. ft. Rated at 30,000 btu's, it sells for $339.
"Both models are designed to burn wood slowly and completely," explains Cook. "Hot gases are ignited in the stove rather than being lost up the chimney. Instead of constantly refilling the stove, you load it only a few times a day with full length pieces of wood. Not until the wood is completely burned up, and there are only embers left, is it necessary to reload," he explains. "Load the stove at night before retiring and turn the vent down. This will provide round-the-clock burning to heat your home, basement, family room or farm shop. Besides the convenience of not having to restart your fire, 24-hour burning saves wood and gives a more even temperature."
Instead of a damper, the Sierra uses exclusive draft control knobs built right into the cast iron door. "It's like a TV - you set the knobs for the heat you want, and forget it. The system works on an updraft principle whereas most dampers work on downdraft," explains Cook.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sierra Stoves, Self Sufficiency Products, One Appletree Square, Minneapolis, Minn. 55420 (ph. 612 854-0276).

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