1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #22
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Horizontal Bale Processor
High capacity and a low, horizontal profile are key features of the new hay grinder-processor introduced by Kelly Ryan, Blair Manufacturing, Blair, Neb."We think it has several key advantages over tub-type hay grinders," says Curtis Ryan, sales manager. "The feeder, for example, is only 42 in. high, making it easy and safe to load with big round bales without having to worry about height or how
the bales are put in. Regardless of how they land, the feeder apron automatically moves them into the processor."
In addition to the biggest of the big bales, the new portable processor handles conventional bales (rectangular or round) or loose hay grappled from stacks.
After initial cutting, the hay is further processed in the inner chamber by a high-speed drum before passing through the final drum and cutter bar, and then discharged. "Because of this unique design, the machine requires only a fraction of the power needed for hammermill type machines, thus providing a substantial savings in fuel costs." Ryan explains. "A 120 hp tractor is more than enough to process up to 20 tons per hour. Under ideal conditions, we've run big bales through it at the rate of 2 1/2 min. per bale. Once loaded, the unit needs no tending. Coarseness of the grind is easily adjusted from fine to coarse."
In addition to hay, it processes baled or loose straw, stalks and other feedstuffs. Retail cost, less the optional discharge elevator, is $14,500.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Blair, Mfg., Blair, Neb. 68008 (ph. 402 426-2151).

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