1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #26
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Genuine Bull Pens
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They're the real thing - real pens mounted in real bull or cow chips. "We gather up dry manure chips, then treat them so they're odorless, sanitized and hard-finished to resist crumbling or chipping," explains Paul Waterland, creator, manufacturer and marketer. "We did a lot of searching and testing to come up, with the right kind of liquid material for treating the chips. The coating we came up with is baked on for five hours to give the chips a glossy, hard finish. After they're baked, we drill the holes and insert the metal pen holders. We also plane the bottoms and add felt tips so the chips will lay flat on a desk top."
The "genuine bull pens" are available in three sizes: A small Secretary model that sells for $8, a Junior Executive at $11, and the large Executive model that sells for $21. Prices include postage, handling.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup; DoubleTree Production, Paul Waterland, Pres.; Box 2555, Littleton, Colo. 80161 (ph. 303 795-0520).

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