1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #32
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Pocket Alarm Sends Farmer Distress Signal
"It lets farmers easily call for help in case of an emergency," says Jim Robinson, manufacturer of a new remote control "pocket alarm".Robinson's alarm system consists of a screamingly loud siren that mounts on the tractor, combine or other farm equipment, or on the outside of a building ù such as a silo ù around the farm. The operator of the equipment ù or anyone working in the silo or around dangerous equipment ù carries a pocket transmitter that's smaller than a pack of cigarettes. In case of trouble, he simply presses a button on the side of the transmitter and it sets off the alarm.
You can buy more than one transmitter and the horn and receiver can be moved from place to place, as needed.
Robinson says the alarm siren is extremely loud and can be heard from miles away. Unit can also be rigged up as a night alarm to protect equipment, or as a signalling device for non-emergency use. Sells for $199. An optional strobe light is available for use in place of siren.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Robinson, J & D Co., Rt. 5, Box 178, Monroe, Ga. 30655.

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