1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #11
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Moldboard Plow Converted Into Low Cost Chisel Plow
"I needed a 10-ft. chisel plow, but most chisel plows with coulters were selling in the $2,000 to $4,000 range. Large moldboard plows were selling pretty cheap so I bought an Oliver 7-16 semi-mounted plow at a farm sale for $250, then modified it into a moldboard/chisel plow combination," says Paul Anderson, Mineral Point, Wis."With a torch, I cut down the moldboards on all seven bottoms. I cut straight down close to the frog. Halfway across the moldboard, I angled over to the back of the share (see drawing). I also cut the coverboard in half and moved the hitch over so I can drive on land.
"I pull the modified plow with my 130 hp. Allis Chalmers 7020 (with duals) 4 to 4¢ mph. Each share was left uncut so each one plows a 16-in. wide section about 9-in. deep. I also left the coulters on to cut trash. Last fall I plowed through heavy cornstalks without plugging up once.
"After chiseling, the soil is loose, ridged up and has about 30 to 50% of the trash left on top. It does leave somewhat of a furrow but the furrow fills in easily when discing. Overall it cuts my tillage time by 20 to 30%," notes Anderson.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Anderson, Rt. 1, Box 157, Mineral Point, Wis. 53565 (ph 608 987-3506).

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