1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #15
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Long Reach Jaw Blades Cutter
Thanks to this first-of its-kind "long reach" tree cutter, you can now cut trees 7 ft. in front of a tractor or skid steer loader without having to cut off branches just to get to the tree.The new "QuickCut" tree cutter consists of a 7-ft. long steel frame that quick taches onto your skid steer or front-end loader. It uses two slowly rotating "jaw blades" mounted in front to cut through trees up to 18 in. in dia.
"It has a much longer reach than shear-type tree cutters and can cut much larger trees," says Dave Hubertus, vice president, Lincoln Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "Most shear-type tree cutters can cut trees no larger than 10 in. in dia. and are coupled close in to the tractor. The QuickCut cuts trees at about the same rate as a shear tree cutter, but it lets you cut more trees per hour because you can cut right through large trees instead of having to work your way around them making several cuts. Some farmers have cut up to 300 trees per hour. The extended reach lets you use it in ditches and ravines and remove trees along fence rows. It works great for cutting overhead branches because it reaches up to 20 ft. high on a front-end loader. If the ground isn't real hard you can also cut 1 to 2 in. below the ground."
The frame is equipped with a 5-in. dia., 30-in. stroke cylinder that's powered by the loader's hydraulic system. The blades mount on a chain-driven hub. You approach the tree with the blades open and then activate a cylinder which rotates the blades 180 degrees inward.
"The rotating blades are mounted off-center and come together like jaws to cut through the tree," says Hubertus. "It takes significantly less power than trying to shear it. That makes it much easier on your hydraulic system. It weighs only about 1,300 lbs."
A deflector bar protects the operator. Sells for $4,995.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lincoln Mfg. Co., 4001 Industrial Ave., Box 30303, Lincoln, Neb. 68503-0303 (ph 402 464-7418 or toll-free 800 221-4109).

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